Jordanian Affairs

Jordan's Railway Projects: Aspirations and Challenges

This paper presents an integrated and comprehensive insight of Jordan's aspirations towards the railway project, highlighting one of the most important national strategic projects in the near future; the nature of its regional dimensions that are intended to enhance Jordan's position and regional presence; as well as the intertwining of economic and logistical interests among the countries of the region.

Date of publication: 26/09/2021
Publisher -

This paper presents an integrated and comprehensive insight of Jordan's aspirations towards the railway project, highlighting one of the most important national strategic projects in the near future; the nature of its regional dimensions that are intended to enhance Jordan's position and regional presence; as well as the intertwining of economic and logistical interests among the countries of the region.


Author: STRATEGIECS Team Policy Analysis Team

This study expresses the viewpoint of its author, and the Strategies Center does not bear any responsibility resulting from the position or opinion of its author regarding security, political, economic, social, and other issues, and does not necessarily reflect the position and/or viewpoint of the Center.