Strategiecs Lens Strategiecs Lens
Strategiecs Lens

The Changing American Position on Israeli Government’s Management of The War in The Gaza Strip

The disagreements between the American administration and the Israeli government regarding the war in the Gaza Strip are a continuation of the apparent contradictions in the visions and policies between the two parties since the formation of the Israeli government at the end of December 2022, which U.S. President Joe Biden described as “the most right-wing in the history of Israel.” It is likely that these disagreements will continue between the two parties regarding their priorities during the coming period, but the deepening of this disagreement into the structure of the bilateral relations is unlikely.


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Social Issues
The Future of Trumpism in the American Domestic Structure

The Future of Trumpism in the American Domestic Structure

this research paper studies the American local structure on levels of politics, society and security, based on the impact of the events that took place recently in the United States, it also looks ahead the coming movements that might be adopted by rightist populism that supports Trump as a method to express its political self.

STRATEGIECS Chairman Mr. Hasan Ismaik: "Third Way is the key to ending the War of All Against All and moving towards a New Arab Era"

In his interview with Journalist Mahmoud Alwerwary on Al-Hadath TV, STRATEGIECS Chairman Mr. Hasan Ismaik answers key questions relating to the role of youth in society, and the role of the private and public sectors in solving youth issues, especially in the post-Coronavirus crisis period, and developing their skills to join the job market. He also discusses a "third way" through which Arabs can find their salvation and rise with their youth towards a new era that is free of conflicts and wars and full of stability and comprehensive development.

The Iraqi Personality Between Today and Yesterday

This article by the Chairman of STRATEGIECS Board of Trustees, Mr. Hasan Ismaik, presents a review of “The Personality of the Iraqi Individual” by Ali Al-Wardi; this book attempts to identify characteristics distinguishing Iraqis from others while addressing the characteristics that distinguish the human character in general.

The Future of Populist Movements in Europe

Right-wing populism is currently witnessing a historic moment in its political course; if this movement succeeds –in the medium term– in employing suitable conditions to enhance its presence in influential European capitals, a new European reality will exist, posing an existential challenge to the European Union as a unified political entity. Thus, what are the circumstances accompanying the growing populism in Europe? And what are the foundations of a voter-oriented populist discourse?

Effects of International Currency War on the Arab States

Effects of International Currency War on the Arab States

This paper presents a reading in the concept of "Currency War" as one of the economic tools employed by states in the context of competing, as well as the implications of such war for some Arab states which associate their currencies to USD. Due to that the world order is heading towards more manifestations of competing, like in the Ukrainian crisis, in addition to its implications on the Arab states, this paper presents a set of measures that aim to reduce the negative effects of international events on Arab economies.

Technology & Cyber Security
Asymmetric Threats:A Study in the Transformations of Traditional Deterrence Strategies

Asymmetric Threats:A Study in the Transformations of Traditional Deterrence Strategies

Position Assessment | This paper presents a theoretical interpretation of the growing asymmetric threats and their repercussions on international peace and security. Such threats have imposed shifts in the concepts and theories of security followed for decades, especially the theories of deterrence and balance of power, the matter which made requiring re-research into new strategies for deterrence in the international arena be necessary.

The Paths of political Presence of Hamas Movement in Qatar

The Paths of political Presence of Hamas Movement in Qatar

The choices of Hamas leaders to move from Qatar remain ambiguous and are limited to specific destinations: either Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, or Algeria. The question is: Which one is most likely—amd most preferred—to host Hamas leaders?

International Relations
A critical reading of the book "Destined War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap? "

A critical reading of the book "Destined War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap? "

Author: Graham Allison | Original name of the book: Destined War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides' Trap | Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, New York, 2017.

What is the National Railway Network Project? NINTY_SECOND
What is the National Railway Network Project?

The Jordanian government has announced a national railway network project as part of its Economic Priorities Program for 2021-2023. What are the basic details that we have about this project? Is it separate from the regional and international race to secure the Middle East's location on the global shipping map?

Wednesday,27 October 2021


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Will the Palestinian government establish new roles for authority in the West Bank and Gaza? youtube
Will the Palestinian government establish new roles for authority in the West Bank and Gaza?

The video addresses the assignment of Muhammad Mustafa to form the Palestinian government, and the challenges it faces in achieving its goals in every arena of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and in the regional and international arenas, and addresses t

Sunday,02 June 2024

Book Reviews

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Book Name 1

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s

Book Name 2

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Book Name 3

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,


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