The Paths of political Presence of Hamas Movement in Qatar
The choices of Hamas leaders to move from Qatar remain ambiguous and are limited to specific destinations: either Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, or Algeria. The question is: Which one is most likely—amd most preferred—to host Hamas leaders?
Download full reportInternational Relations
Sudan: The Country Hijacked by Islamists and Targeted for Burial by Iran
International Relations
Pezeshkian in Iraq: Political Maneuver or Strategic Visit?
Jordanian Affairs
How Can Jordanian Political Parties Overcome the Pressures They Face?
Palestinian-Israeli conflict
How Can Israel’s “Summer Camps” Operation in the Northern West Bank Be Interpreted?
Will the Presidency of Masoud Pezeshkian Change Iran’s Domestic and Foreign Policies?
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The Concept of "Failed State"
Recently, there has been increased discourse on the reasons behind a state's failure as an institutional entity and its demographical fragmentation as a geographical status, due to worsening economic and social crises at the global level, in addition to escalating security tensions in many regions and territories. So, what does the term "failed state" refer to? Are the criteria used in determining the degree of failure of a specific state effective, when compared with the factors causing this situation in the first place?
Technological Competition: Beijing vs. the West
Technological development in the field of communication networks and technologies in general is one of the most prominent issues of interest to the central capitals of the world, because of its future importance in the possibility of redrawing the influence of a major country at the expense of another in the military and economic fields. The article explores the highlights of the technological competition between the Western countries and China, with explaining the most prominent aspects of this competition in the near term.
Climate Diplomacy: between legal barriers and one-sided interests
This article explores the most prominent features of "climate diplomacy" aimed at increasing international coordination momentum to contain the negative effects of climate change; this coordination collides with legal barriers and is inevitably affected by political trends and economic interests. In addition, the article offers a future outlook on the implication of climate change on the global reality from a health, economic, and geopolitical perspective, examining whether the balance of power will be disrupted by these changes.
Reading in the Reality and Future of the G7 Group
The G-7 is facing changes in its internal political and economic environment, as well as the changing international environment, with the rise of major emerging powers such as: China, India and Russia. These variables pose unprecedented challenges to their internal homogeneity and global impact. This paper examines the reality and future of the G7 in the light of these changes.
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G7 and Iran
Iranian foreign policy and its practical implications represent one of the key Middle Eastern controversial issues with an international dimension. How do the G7 countries deal with Iran's behavior in the region? Is there an agreement on this interaction mechanism? This is the second paper in the series that will be published under "Files on the G7 Table."
What do we expect from the 46th G7 summit?
All eyes are on the anticipated G7 Summit which is to be held in the US in 2020. In view of this, the following article presents insightful narration of the 46th summit outcomes, based on the last three summits held in Italy, Canada, and France, which the US President, Donald Trump, has attended since he took office, and it is Trump who will be the host figure of this year’s summit.
Parallel International Organizations (G7+)
This report serves as the opening paper for “Files on the G7 Table”, in which the research team will publish multiple headlines, addressing urgent strategic issues at the regional and international levels, examining current international organizations’ ability to respond to major crises, including the outbreak of the novel-Coronavirus, and assessing G7’s strength, in its current form, to overcome multiple challenges.
Constitutional Amendments in Russia: Understanding Context and Significance
This paper examines the implications of the recent amendments to Russia’s constitution in 2020, both in its internal and external context. It also attempts to answer the question as to what will Russian President Vladimir Putin do after his presidency ends in 2024, in light of the current amendments, especially those affecting sovereign institutions and articles related to the presidential period?
Implications of Implementing the National Security Law for Hong Kong
What are the consequences for Beijing’s enactment of the Hong Kong National Security Law? Will this lead to an escalation of tensions in the U.S.-China relations? What are the implications of Hong Kong's loss of its relative independence over the South China Sea region, which is essentially a disputed region between China and other countries?